Event Loop. πŸ” 😡

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Some Concepts or go directly to Event Loops

JavaScript has a concurrency model based on an event loop, which is responsible for executing the code, collecting and processing events, and executing queued sub-tasks. This model is quite different from models in other languages like C and Java.

Single-Threaded means that JS can only run one instruction at a time, even if your CPU has multiple cores and available threads.

Some Runtime Concepts:

➑ Stack πŸ”
➑ Heap ☁️
➑ Queue 🍞

Stack πŸ”

Heap ☁️

Queue 🍞

Event Loops 😡

Event Loop is essentially an infinite loop which keeps on checking if something exists in the queue. Its most basic implementation can be imagined as:

while (queue.waitForMessage()) {

Here is an example to understand better:

const first = () => console.log("First");
const second = () => setTimeout(() => console.log("Second"), 1000);
const third = () => console.log("Third");


// Output
// JavaScript will first run the synchronous code then it will look for messages in the queue.


See the above code here

Zero delays

Now, if we set the setTimeout with a delay of 0 (zero) milliseconds doesn’t execute the callback function after the given interval.

const second = () => setTimeout(() => console.log("Second"), 0);

The output will remain the same! 🀯


A property of the event loop model is that JavaScript, unlike a lot of other languages, never blocks. Handling I/O is typically performed via events and callbacks, so when the application is waiting for a database query to return or an XHR/API request to return, it can still process other things like user input.

Lets recapitulate πŸ“:

For each round of Event Loop JavaScript will:

➑ Run synchronous code.  
➑ Run [Promise](/javascript-notes/notes/promises.html) or microtask callbacks.  
➑ Run asynchronous code.

See Also:

⚫ Promises 🀝 and Async/Await 🀯 Read β–Ά
⚫ Datatypes in JavaScript. πŸ˜™ Read β–Ά